ABOUT Craig Blinderman
Commercial Litigation
An attorney with more than 30 years of experience and an extensive background in litigation and business, Craig understands how important it is to provide solid counsel to corporate clients in an ever-changing business environment. Thanks to that background and considerable state and federal trial court as well as appellate court experience, Craig has been highly successful litigating complex disputes. But he is not solely focused on litigation as the only means to accomplish a goal. This distinguishes Craig from many litigators, who tend to see the solution to problems in litigation. He works as a facilitator who knows how to achieve a desired objective through litigation—or by avoiding litigation.
Craig primarily counsels sophisticated business owners and senior executives on complex legal matters. He has represented these entities in state and federal court as well as arbitrations in both national and international disputes, many involving claims seeking millions of dollars. Craig arbitrated many business disputes to a successful outcome and mediated and resolved many disputes where resolution was in the best interest of the client.
Craig achieved success in this role by understanding the client’s business and their business perspective. Executives and business owners must feel comfortable that the legal advice provided is just that: advice. Clients receive that advice and act accordingly based upon their business goals and appetite for risk. It is critical that a client not perceive his or her legal counsel as merely a “naysayer” or obstacle. Effective legal advice must clearly set forth the pros and cons of a potential business decision so that the client is properly informed of the decision’s potential consequences.
Ultimately, Craig has been successful by understanding and valuing people and by appreciating diverse points of view.