Estate Planning and Probate


The lawyers of Phillips Lawyers can provide a wide array of estate planning and probate services to our clients. Our attorneys have expertise in the creation of living trusts, spendthrift trusts, as well as pour-over trusts. The attorneys at the Firm can set your mind at ease that your loved ones will be properly provided for and that your assets will be distributed in accordance with your intentions.


The Firm can also assist in providing advice on how to legally shield your assets from creditors and lawful methods of tax avoidance. The Firm understands this is often a sensitive subject and no one wants to discuss planning for the worst.

Our attorneys will seek to understand each client’s individual circumstance, including the family members, relationships, goals and objectives to plan for the client’s estate and meet their desires.  The Firm’s attorneys will aim to accomplish client’s objectives as they relate to the estate planning process. Through our years of experience, we have been able to handle the most complex estates and the simplest estates. Depending on assets and wishes for the client and his or her family, the Firm will create the best way to distribute those assets to family and wherever else the client may choose. This may also include creating powers of attorney, guardianships and other designations to help express the desires of the client as their health deteriorates. Phillips Lawyers, will help clients through their difficult time in planning for incapacity or death. We strongly believe in being prepared for the worst, so that the family and business are in good hands when the worst happens.